Article Submission Guidelines
HMI board members assume responsibility for publishing Historic Madison: A Journal of the Four Lake Region. Funds do not allow for an annual edition, but we are trying to maintain an 18-month schedule. Copies are free to HMI members and sold to the general public.
Please contact us if you would like to contribute an article to The Journal of the Four Lake Region.
Articles should:
Be between 1,000-8,000 words in length
Be related to some aspect of Madison area history
Be about a subject that occurred at least 40 years ago
Provide or identify possible locations of photographs or illustrations related to the article
Articles will be fact-checked for historical accuracy.
While we cannot pay for articles, authors will receive a byline and biographical sketch. Authors will also receive three copies of the Journal containing the article.
Stylistic Suggestions
Since we often use sidenotes, place footnotes in { } directly behind the superscript.
Punctuation should precede a superscript.
Use one space after sentences, not two.
Mark the approximate location for images in the text.